1. Faculty Spotlight: Radd Ehrman | Kent State University
Dec 3, 2024 · Radd K. Ehrman was born in Lawrence, Kansas, on October 5, 1952 to Richard and Leta Ehrman. He attended primary and secondary school in both ...
Faculty Spotlight: Radd Ehrman | Department of Modern & Classical Language Studies | Radd K. Ehrman was born in Lawrence, Kansas, on October 5, 1952 to Richard and Leta Ehrman. He attended primary and secondary school in both Fremont, Nebraska, and Lawrence Kansas. He entered the University of Kansas as a freshman in 1970 where he met his future wife, Cynthia Ann Macey, a nursing student. They married in 1974.He graduated in with a B.A. in Classics in 1974 and entered the masters degree program in the Fall of that same year. In 1976 he wrote his master’s thesis “Irony in Plautus” under the supervision of Professor L. R. Lind.In 1976 Ehrman entered the doctoral program in Classical Philology at the University of Illinois, first on a fellowship and then as a graduate teacher of Latin and Classical Civilization courses. He completed his doctoral dissertation, “Lucilius and the Cross-Currents of Literary Thought in the Time of Scipio Aemilianus” under the direction of Professor John K. Newman in 1982.Ehrman joined the faculty of the Department of Classical Studies as an assistant professor in 1982; he was promoted to Associate Professor in 1991 and to Professor in 2005.In 2003 Ehrman was awarded one of the three Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Awards for Academic Year 2002-2003. In 2018 Ehrman was awarded one of the three Distinguished Teaching Awards by the Kent State Alumni Association.Along with Professor Joseph L. Baird of Kent State’s Department of English, Ehrman w...

2. Michael Corcoran Has Died and Austin's Lost a Voice That Always ...
Missing: Cornicula | Show results with:Cornicula
Columnist, author, historian found dead at 68

3. October | 2024 | The High Window
Missing: Cornicula | Show results with:Cornicula
1 post published by The High Window Review during October 2024

4. Kornbluh, Anna | English | University of Illinois Chicago
Missing: Cornicula | Show results with:Cornicula
Anna Kornbluh's research and teaching interests center on the novel, film, and cultural aesthetics in theoretical perspective, including formalist, marxist, and psychoanalytic approaches. She is the author of Immediacy, Or, The Style of Too Late Capitalism (Verso 2024), The Order of Forms: Realism, Formalism, and Social Space (University of Chicago 2019), Marxist Film Theory and Fight Club (Bloomsbury "Film Theory in Practice” series, 2019), and Realizing Capital: Financial and Psychic Economies in Victorian Form (Fordham UP 2014). Essays on climate aesthetics, tv, academic labor, and psychoanalysis have appeared in venues like The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Public Books, Diacritics, Differences, and Portable Gray. She is a member of the UIC United Faculty bargaining team and the editorial boards of Novel, Mediations, Genre, and Parapraxis, as well as the founding facilitator of InterCcECT (The Inter Chicago Circle for Experimental Critical Theory), and a partner in Humanitiesworks.org.

5. Episcomitra cornicula (Linnaeus, 1758) - WoRMS
Feb 15, 2018 · (2024). MolluscaBase. Episcomitra cornicula (Linnaeus, 1758). Accessed through: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvanitidis, C ...
original description (of Mitra buccinoidea Risso, 1826) Risso, A. (1826-1827). Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe Méridionale et particulièrement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. [book series]. 400 pp., 13 pls. [volumes 1-5. Paris, F.G. Levrault. vol. 3. Mammifères. Oiseaux. Poissons / vol. 4. Mollusques. Annélides / vol. 5. Crustacés. Myriapodes, scorpionides, arachnides et acarides. Insectes. Vers intestinaux. Radiaires. Zoophytes]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/58984page(s): 245; pl. 10 fig. 142 [details]
6. Phylogenetics, historical biogeography and molecular species ...
... cornicula Wang & Zhang sp. n., Chanohirata ... Author ... All content on this site: Copyright © 2024 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors and contributors.
See AlsoWww.publicsurplus.com Motor PoolThe genus Chanohirata Hayashi & Machida, including the herein synonymized monotypic genus Reticuluma Cheng & Li, is the second most speciose genus in the tribe Penthimiini after Penthimia Germar and is almost exclusively endemic to China. This study presents the first phylogeny of Chanohirata based on three mitochondrial markers (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and II and 16S ribosomal RNA) and one nuclear fragment (28S ribosomal RNA). Reticuluma syn. n. is recovered nested within Chanohirata with strong support. Reticuluma is, therefore, proposed as a junior synonym of Chanohirata, and a new combination is proposed: Chanohirata citrana (Cheng & Li) comb. n. Molecular species delimitation analyses were conducted by combining six molecular delimitation methods with morphological evidence. The results of the species delimitation analyses confirm the status of eight described species of Chanohirata and support the recognition of three new species: Chanohirata cornicula Wang & Zhang sp. n., Chanohirata elongata Wang & Zhang sp. n. and Chanohirata serrata Wang & Zhang sp. n. Molecular dating and biogeographic analyses suggest that Chanohirata likely originated during the late Eocene in southern China. During the late Miocene to early Pleistocene, the uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau and climatic oscillations probably triggered several dispersal and vicariance events in Chanohirata lineages, leading to most speciation events.
7. Wilson, E. O. - AntCat
Johnson, R. A.; Overson, R. P.; Wilson, E. O. 2024. ... Pheidole cornicula · Pheidole cornicula · Wilson ... Names belonging to author. Author name, No. of ...
An online catalog of the ants of the world.
8. Six new species of Globba L. (Zingiberales, Zingiberaceae) from ...
Sep 4, 2024 · ... cornicula (Fig. ... Rajesh Yadav, who was the father of the first author and was instrumental in the author's progress in science and education.
We describe six new species in the genus Globba L.: Globba corniculata sp. nov., Globba paschimbengalensis sp. nov., Globba polymorpha sp. nov., Globba tyrnaensis sp. nov., Globba janakiae sp. nov., and Globba yadaviana sp. nov. collected from the Indian part of the Eastern Himalayas (West Bengal) and Northeast India. We provide a detailed morphological description of all six species along with photographic plates, distribution maps, and tentative conservation assessments. We also provide a dichotomous identification key for all the Indian Globba species and discuss the newly described species in relation to those that are morphologically similar to them. Finally, we highlight the taxonomic collection challenges in the ecologically sensitive Eastern Himalayas and Northeast regions of India.

9. Stentorceps abbotti Nielsen & Buffington - WaspWeb
weedlei, whose dorsal termini sometimes appear roughly circular, but have small cornicula ... Citation: van Noort, S. 2024. WaspWeb: Hymenoptera of the World. URL ...
Differs from all other species of Stentorceps in the circular shape of the dorsal terminus of its
10. The Importance of Phenological Diversity in Seed Mixes for ... - BioOne
2 Corresponding author: khavens@chicago- botanic.org; 847-835-8378. •. The ... Lam., Lotus cornicula- tus L.), meaning that consumers need to be cautious.
11. De cornicula Horatiana - COBISS+
- 1546131434. Keep searching. Author Sternbach, Leon, 1864-1940. Topics ... 2024 © IZUM. All rights reserved. | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies ...
De cornicula Horatiana