Computing & Software Services (2025)

Learning Technologies

  • Application


  • Provides KSU centered online training courses for faculty and staff including technology service training and employee training.

  • iClicker

    Classroom response system that allows instructors and students to interact dynamically in minutes.

  • USG adopted Learning Management System hosting courses and faculty developed content.

  • Kaltura

    MediaSpace is KSU's solution for uploading and streaming media content, including videos and audio

  • Library Databases

    Group of applications and databases provided by the Library to assist in research

  • Moodle

    Software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of courses.

  • Respondus

    Authoring tool that makes it easy to create and manage exams for D2L BrightSpace, Moodle, and other learning systems.

  • Respondus LockDown Browser

    Customized browser that increases the security of online testing in D2L Brightspace.

  • Respondus Monitor

    Companion product for the Respondus LockDown Browser (RLDB) that records students during online, non-proctored quizzes.

  • Skillsoft

    UITS Training registration and online, self-paced training resource

  • SoftChalk is a stand-alone application that lets you create lessons to publish online.

  • Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection tool. KSU has a license for Turnitin via the stand-alone, or via an integration within D2L Brightspace.

  • Web-based interactive tool that enables instructors and students to explore, share, collaborate, and comment on visual media asynchronously.

Campus Applications

  • Application


  • Adobe Creative Suite

    The Adobe Creative Suite is a collection of programs for graphic design, video editing and web development applications.

  • Provides KSU employees with personal access to job and benefits relation information

  • Apple OS Support

    Apple OS Support involves installing, configuring, and repairing all KSU tagged Apple equipment for the classroom, office, and home.

  • Parking (ParkingPortal)

    ParkingPortal is the parking management solution used to enforce, manage permits, sales and fulfillment, eBusiness, and citation processing and collections.

  • TransLoc is the transit visualization system that provides real-time bus locations.

  • OU Educate

    OU Educate is a web Content Management System that enables faculty to edit content in the Kennesaw State University web template without having to design pages or without knowing HTML coding.

  • Owl Express (Banner)

    Owl Express is web-based application that allows students, faculty and staff access to the registration, advising and student records system.

  • Owl Life

    Owl Life provides students with functionality for organization registration, event management, activities fee allocation and more.

  • Software Downloads

    Provides downloadable campus applications.

  • Concur® is an integrated travel and expense solution that helps save time and control spending for business travelers.

  • DegreeWorks

    DegreeWorks is an Owl Express integrated, web-based application that allows students and advisors to assess degree requirements.

  • Digital Measures

    Allows faculty to enter, maintain and run reports on Curriculum Vitae, course information and all instruction related materials. Also allows students to get feedback about course evaluations.

  • Event Management System (EMS)

    Manages event and resource calendars.

  • Enterprise Directory

    Administration and support for enterprise directory servers

  • HireTouch™ Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a configurable Web-based recruiting solution

  • Library Databases

    Group of applications and databases provided by the Library to assist in research

  • StarRez

    StarRez is the housing room assignment tool which manages a large, multi-building resident base.

  • AiM

    AIM is a maintenance System by which facilities receive work orders and maintain scheduling.

  • Symplicity is a comprehensive campus safety solution which digitalizes the case management process for student judicial conduct, allowing for the initial submission of the case, the generation of letters, the scheduling of meetings, and the management of sanctions and appeals.

  • Touchnet

    TouchNet is the E-Commerce system used by the campus to facilitate external transactions that are deposited into State Funds Accounts.

  • DocuSign

    DocuSign is the campus solution for sending and receiving documents that require electronic signatures.

  • Duo

    Two-factor authentication for campus services, ensuring that no one but you can access your account, even if your NetID password becomes compromised.

Specialized Applications

  • Application


  • Appointment Plus

    Application scheduling software used for Testing Center and Advising Center

  • Banner INB

    Banner INB is an administrative system primarily used by the Enrollment Services and Bursar offices to view and maintain student data and process transactions.

  • Transact provides the architecture to support a one card campus. It supports our KCASH system, manages meal plans and Dining Dollars, assists with credit card processing, and integrates with our Access Control system to provide contactless technology

  • Blackbaud

    Blackbaud (Raiser's Edge and Financial Edge modules) is a donor and alumni information database used for fund raising.

  • ServiceNow

    A Customer Service Application System used to report technical issues and requests.

  • Course Substitution

    Course Substitution is a portalized app to allow academic departments to indicate approved substitutions and send them to the Registrar's office for approval.

  • Curriculog

    The curriculum management process is entirely online, including the completion of the curriculum proposals, the curriculum meetings and agendas (if desired), and the review and decisions made (using electronic signatures) by the curriculum committee chairs/members and administrators.

  • ECSI Student Loan

    Financial Aid management tool

  • Financial Disbursement

    Third party refund system. It is used to credit back any student funds after final payments

  • iStrategy

    iStrategy is a Microsoft-based reporting tool that is integrated with PeopleSoft Financials. Users have access to review financial information quickly and drill-down to underlying details using these tools.

  • Jump Forward

    Jump Forward is a student athlete application for recruiting, reporting and compliance functions.

  • KSU Connect

    KSU Connect is a web-based application used as a gateway for faculty and staff to access custom developed applications related to Banner, PeopleSoft/ADP and General use.

  • Medicat- Employee Fitness

    Medicat is the medical records system for the Village Health Clinic.

  • Omni CMS

    Omni CMS is the website content management tool used at KSU.

  • OnBase

    OnBase is a document storage and retrieval software that allows users to easily access and filter KSU documents via a web or desktop (Unity) client.

    How to access Onbase

  • Peachtree Accounting

    Peachtree Accounting is the accounting system for the athletic department.

  • PeopleAdmin

    People Admin is used for hiring all Faculty.

  • PeopleSoft

    The PeopleSoft Financials application model is a fully integrated, Oracle-based technology suite of software applications managing the financial data that meet BOR and USG institutional needs for information used in decision-making.

  • Qualtrics

    Online survey management tool

  • Recreation Center Management

    Rec Center Management is a management solution for facility access, membership maintenance, and equipment check out. The Web Portal allows the community and students to register and pay for classes and camps offered by the Department of Sports & Recreation.

  • ServiceNow

    A Customer Service Application System used to report technical issues and requests.

  • Smarter Measures is an online assessment tool which accesses student familiarity with technology.

  • SmartGrant

    ERA is an online pre- and post-award management system for research grants.

  • ServiceNow Project Portfolio Management

    ServiceNow Project Portfolio Management is a focused enterprise wide project management software solution used to manage projects, analyze project performance and communicate easily with team members. Through the utilization of dashboards, ServiceNow Project Portfolio Management also helps your department prioritize project efforts, manage resources and meet commitments on time and on budget.

  • Windstar Tax Navigator

    Windstar Tax Navigator is a software solution for nonresident alien tax compliance and income tax treaty analysis.

Separate Categories

  • Application


  • KSUmail

    Support ofOutlook (powered by Exchange)

  • Global Protect

    Providing a secure remote connection to onsite resources such as your office desktop and other restricted resources

  • File Sharing

    Application that allows cloud storage and file sharing

  • WiFi

    Authenticated wireless connection to the local area network

  • Computer Labs

    Routine checks and cleaning and repair of AV and computer equipment each semester

  • Virtual Owl

    Resource for downloading a "virtual desktop" tool on your personal computer or laptop

  • Faculty, Staff & Students Web Pages

    Web space provided for faculty, students and staff to create personal web pages

Computing & Software Services (2025)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 5838

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.